My David Leffel Workshop

Begin each day as if it were on purpose! Maryanne Radmacher I received an email that David has a broken knee cap, so the workshop for February was cancelled!!!!!!! Oh, My!!!!! but Dick and I have been planning a trip to Europe for our 25th wedding in comes Lake Como and Jerry Fresia......he is an American artist/teacher from Chicago who studied with William Schultz who studied with one of Monet's in comes my new workshop. I have Jerry's book (blurb), I love the way he starts a painting (he has a 3 minute demo on you tube) with his technique of doing a small still life. If you put it out into the Universe, it may just happen....the new plan is to go on a barge trip in Europe and then a workshop for a week on Lake Como....he has several openings in September....once we book the barge I will give you the week maybe you could join us! Wouldn't that be a dream trip?