
Showing posts from April, 2007

Tour Guide

8 x 10" Oil on Canvas

Bonnard Chat

8" x 10" Oil on Canvas The conversation was about Bonnard. I had a chance to see several large painting by Bonnard in the Phillips Museum in Washington, DC. His paintings are mostly about the design of patterns. Last fall I was in Rome, just happened to be lucky enough to see a exhibition of works by Matisse & Bonnard. Most of them were small works, so this collection was a true joy to see!


8" x 10" Oil on Canvas On our way north we stopped in DC to visit Grand kids......had a chance to go to the Museum of Art on Friday. Beautiful Spring day with lots of visitors. I also visited the Phillips Museum, what a wonderful collection of Bonnard of my favorite!

Haystack Peppers

6" x 8" Oil on Board Going to let this dry overnight, will add more texture tomorrow. My favorite part is the reflection on the right of the peppers. Will add more of this color in the shadows later.

Haystack Block In

Haystack Block In Background mix was Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue plus a touch of Cadmium Yellow Medium. The Pitcher was Ultramarine blue, plus white. The peppers was Cadmium Red Medium plus Cadmium Yellow Medium. The Shadows was a mix of Black and White with a little touch of Cadmium Red Medium.

Haystack Drawing

5" x 8" Oil on Board Love painting this one. The folds in the cloth had such wonderful reflections. The canvas was tinted with a mix of Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue and a touch of Black.
As you can see, haven't had time to paint. We arrive back in Ohio Saturday Night, hopefully I can get back to work. I will be teaching a 3 day workshop in Indy next week! The following week we will be off to my Grandaughters Wedding! Where does the time go! She's still a baby!


8" x 10" Oil on Canvas Board This painting was painted in Michael McEwan class at Capital University this past fall. I've been working with my new camera trying to get better pictures for the internet. It is about the lighting.

Blue Pot Still Life

5" x 7" Oil on Canvas This painting almost painted itself. I had a fun time with the cloth. Notice that Blue & Green on the bottom right, it's from the painting falling into the paint tray.

Blue Pot Block In

5" x 7" Oil on Canvas Baord I decided to block this one in it's local color in a middle value.......using thin paint.

Blue Pot Drawing

5"x7" Oil on Canvas Board While taking the photograph the board fell into the paint tray!!!! Little Blue & Green, oh my.

Blue Pot Step by Step

Blue Pot Photograph First Step: Get a good photograph, plus paint from life, it's the best for seeing the right colors in light and shadow.

Three Pears

8" x 10" Oil on Canvas Still not happy with the photography! Finished this one on Monday.

Banana Tree

8" x 8" Oil on Canvas Board This is one was done Alla Prima at the workshop......that sun moves !

Hertiage Pond

8"x10" Oil on Canvas Board It has been a very busy two weeks. A couple of weeks ago I attended a Plein Air Workshop with Judy & Larry Pumfrey . What a great workshop, learned a lot, plus had a great time with friends old and new. Finished up teaching at the Beach Art Center, it was a good season, great students. Now it's time to get ready to go North. I will paint and post when I can. Hopefully when I get home, I will be able to paint at least 5 paintings a week. This is my goal for the next year. Kevin MacPhearson said you must paint miles of canvas. So let me see how many I can do by April 1st, 2008!

White Maine Pitcher

Oil on Canvas 8" x 10" I first painted this still life in watercolors, it was a fun project for my Wednesday morning class at the Beach Art Center. It was a fun painting all the colors of white with oils. I'm still working on the photography........