Brass Pot

10 x 8 Oil on Canvas Board Last year I was lucky enough to see a demo by David Leffel. I am total hooked on Chiaroscuro Style painting. "Chiaroscuro" literally means light/dark. In Chiaroscuro painting, your eye follows the light. The light gives the picture its flow-it takes the eye from one place to another, and the shadows structure the painting. Quoted from Oil Painting Secrets from a Master, by Linda Cateura.


sharonchinn said…
Absolutely stunning... love it!
Barbara Pask said…
Hi there Mary, long time no see. Love this painting, so dramatic. Have you ever checked out Daniel Edmondson's work? There is a link to him on my blog. He is offering online lessons, I just ordered one. You pick out the set up you want to paint, he sends you the photo and a link to him painting a good part of the painting and a link to him telling about his supplies. He will critique it at the end and help you through it if you need him. Only $25 so it seems like a deal. Hope things are good in your life.
ADMIN said…
Ah, yes ! I saw David Leffel in Colorado last fall at the American Artist weekend. He was not one of the ones I studied with but, did see a few demos with him.
As an outdoor painter, I feel light is the most important subject !
Just missed the demo you were at this year as I was teaching my annual Longboat Key workshop the same time...

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