Balsamic with Oranges
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10" x 8" Oil on Canvas Board
Susan Carlin wanted me to talk about the "glow" around the objects in my recent still lives. I've been studying Gregg Kreutz book Problem Solving for oil Painters, he says: To keep a picture from looking static there must be a sense of the light increasing and decreasing in intensity throughout. The light area of each object must contain a lighter and a darker part, and the picture as a whole should have a sense of orchestration from either dark to light or light to dark.
As in this painting, I've added a lighter value (white, yellow or orange) into the background mix going around the objects in the painting. If you look at artist that work in the "Chiaroscuro Style" such as David A. Leffel or J Legg they always have a glow around their subject matter.
I've always loved "Chiaroscuro Style", but never tried to paint that way, but the last few paintings have been so much fun I think I'll keep at it for a while. Reading about artist creating their own "style" they all mention studing art or artist they love......I'm studing how "Light" travels through a painting!