
Showing posts from October, 2011

New Snow #2 Project

New Snow 8x10 This is  my second project in my on line workshop class with Daniel Edmondson      .....this was a lesson in mixing "whites".  One of the most interesting things is how blue the snow is in shadow, I had about 6 puddles white....this reminded me of the color mixes "mouse colors" of Jean Dobbie's in Making Color Sing.  We are in the process of getting ready to go to Florida for a couple of weeks.  My game plan is to start working on the Still Life Workshop....I just love the first project.  The November Newsletter is almost complete.....I've done quite a bit of research on the "Sight Size Drawing Method", I even purchased a DVD with Judith Kudlow.  I sat up a still life and maped out the design.  It a challenge, but once you get going it's a lot of really makes you look at your subject in relationship to the placement on the canvas.

Got My Critique Today!

I can't believe the turn around time that Daniel Edmondson did on my critique.....I email the photograph (like I said way to much color) on Monday and I received a 5 minute video!  WOW! I'm truly impressed......I also received a 4 minute video on photographing oil painting indoor.  I plan on trying it tomorrow.  Stayed Tune! We are in the process of getting ready to go to the condo for 2 or 3 weeks so I can get my dental work many of you know...I had to have a new cap, but had to return home because of my 6 months later we hope to get the process finished. I also received my new project for this week which is a winter scene.....I've had a brief view of the video today, so I'm hoping I can watch it from start to finish tonight.....probably won't get painting time in before we leave, but I can paint it in my head........Monet made a quote one time about he painted the picture in his head first........ 

Back to School!

8x10 on Canvas Board (this photo has the color more intense that it really is) One way to get better at painting is to take a workshop.....I've signed up for 2 more besides the one with David A Leffel.  Recently I was surfing the net (I've been doing more of that than I should) and came across a blog that I've watched off and on for the past couple of years.  Daniel Edmondson has a couple of on line workshops using Video's with a step by step method.  You sign up, he sends you an email with the video link plus the photograph.  The really great part of this is you get the DVD in about a week in the mail.  I signed up for the Landscape first then decided to do the still life also (he's running a special).  I have to say this is a great workshop. You can go at your own pace, so if it's a busy week you just do the class the next week.  You also get to send emails with questions plus a critique once the project is finished.  He will send a vi...

Notes on Chiaroscuro

Since my last post I've had lots of stuff going on!  A few of the girls and I spent a couple of days in the Hocking Hills....painting, eating really great food and in general having a great time!  My car (new van) has been in the shop for 3 weeks trying to get a new engine.....hopefully I will be able to pick it up tomorrow.  I'm visiting my Mom in West Virginia (arriving at 8 am this moring, I left my home at 4:30 am! ).....she is still very ill and has had a mini stroke this morning.  I have registarted for  a 10 week online workshop with Daniel Edmondson, ....I read about him from one of the artist on the Daily Paint Works Blog.  You get 10 lesson via email which includes 2 hours of video, plus photographs and once completed a critique.  You may also contact him with questions or asking general information.  As most of you know I have a very slow internet connection so I've been waiting for the DVD (th...

Clematis Step by Step (Day 1)

Clematis 22" x 30" (Full Sheet Watercolor) Step 4 All the petal and leaves have a first layer of color.  The dark shapes come  next. Love painting the high contrast with that spring sunshine.  This photograph was taken at my mother-in-laws this past Spring.  Her pride and JOY! Work in Progess.....hope to finish this week. Clematis 22" x 30" (Full Sheet Watercolor) Step 3 Painting those shapes! Clematis 22" x 30" (Full Sheet Watercolor) Step 2 I work on the big areas first. Getting my first layer down. Clematis 22" x 30" (Full Sheet Watercolor) Step 1 I used the wet into wet technique with this painting.  I first wet the paper  then drop in Green and Purple.