Back to School!
8x10 on Canvas Board
(this photo has the color more intense that it really is)
One way to get better at painting is to take a workshop.....I've signed up for 2 more besides the one with David A Leffel. Recently I was surfing the net (I've been doing more of that than I should) and came across a blog that I've watched off and on for the past couple of years. Daniel Edmondson has a couple of on line workshops using Video's with a step by step method. You sign up, he sends you an email with the video link plus the photograph. The really great part of this is you get the DVD in about a week in the mail. I signed up for the Landscape first then decided to do the still life also (he's running a special). I have to say this is a great workshop. You can go at your own pace, so if it's a busy week you just do the class the next week. You also get to send emails with questions plus a critique once the project is finished. He will send a video or email critique......what can be better than this?
This is the first project, the video is about 90 minutes and he really explains his process, plus what he's thinking..........I used a lot of palette knife which is very new for me....I did most of the rocks. His workshop web site is you can also see his work on his web site