White Vase & Flowers

8" x 10" Oil on Board
As many of you know I'm schedule to take a workshop on Lake Como next
fall with Jerry Fresia ( http://www.fresia.com/ ).  He also has a 3 minute video on
You Tube and a wonderful instrucitonal book, plus two small books of his
 paintings.......Wednesday afternoon in the Pumprey's class I copied
one of his paintings .....just to get the feel of what his brush
strokes felt like....what an eye opening experience.  I painted it in
one hour on a Masonite board with a soft hair brush.  I first scumbled
in the dark and middle values per his instructions. The squinting thing
is sooooo important......this morning I actually used my computer to
blur the image.....this is a great help in seeing the dark, middle and light shapes. 


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