Carol Marine & Karin Jurick Workshop Day 2

Carol's demo was really good......what wonderful brush strokes!!!! It truly is about value and shape....if you get these two right....the painting will work. Carol looks at the still life thru a view finder, studies the shape/value, then does the stroke....I don't remember who said it but "if you get the color right, the value will be right". Her demo was right on.......another day in painter's heaven, with a bunch of new girlfriends and Mark.


Jeff Mahorney said…
These photos are great. Thanks for sharing them. I'm happy you enjoyed the workshop and am dying to go onemyself.
BTW- I think the quote is Kevin Macpherson or paraphrased.
Mark Bridges said…
Hey Mary. Carol and Karin are really great at putting that single stroke down and moving to the next. That's what I was hoping to bring home.

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